The ETernity LAN: shoutcaster/analysts

image: JlpZOzw

We will be setting up a livestream from the LAN venue again. We need some interested people, who wanna participate on the stream. We are looking for some casters and analysts/cocasters, who want to be part of this essential element of the LAN. You need to be serious on your cast and obviously not lose the fun in casting.

We will be giving you some insight on the streaming programs etc beforehand. Are you interested in taking part? Please pm Germany stRay and tell him, which role your interested in (main caster, co caster, analyst). You should obviously be able to speak english at a decent level. If you are also participating as a player at the event, we will obviously arrange your casting part around it. Pm Germany stRay on discord or on crossifre.

Any questions? Feel free to private message us or comment below!

Feel free to contact us! We can be reached via discord or through a Crossfire PM.

Sweden Ekto
Netherlands Sebhes
Germany stRay

The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever
Belize Swanidius
The only correct answer
QuoteYou need to be serious on your cast and obviously not lose the fun in casting.
I think it's time for #cubecast to come back because everything is harder INSIDE THE CUBE
want perfect candidate? bloodje after 15 beers
what is he applying for? i see thers 2 positions to fill
The ETernity LAN: shoutcaster/anal stRay 4
QuoteYou need to be serious on your cast and obviously not lose the fun in casting.
Bobika analyst gg
Potty & kApot would do..

Chickita & Woott

Bobika & Jetro
QuoteYou need to be serious on your cast and obviously not lose the fun in casting.
bloodje & chry, preferably both drunk
Before i start, i just want to say that as a community (especially the players) it is amazing how many people have signed up to this tournament. I just want to mention that this was the first thing that was appealing to me and encouraged me to try and be a caster for this in the past few minutes. Respect to you guys and good luck in the tournament

I am going to be straight and try and explain in the best way possible, because i know to most / if not all this is going to be something that gets a lot of negative attention and or responses. I am going to be as constructive as possible and i do not mean to offend anyone in this at all.

In terms of the talent benefits, there are a few things that stand out for me. First let me just say that personally (and this is the part which i know most wont agree with) a tournament has to be financially beneficial to commentate. I know most will say well fuck you, its a community game now and we dont need that negative reason, but it is the truth. As the game and myself (note that im speaking for my colour commentator and couch analysts here too) grows older, priorities change and hence the step back from gaming. Personally i cant look at spending say time and euros to shoutcast in the ETernity LAN tournament, whilst saving for a house. Let me also just add before i try to make my point that a lot of us and especially me have spent atleast some amount of time in atleast the last 10 years casting matches and tournaments, let me just say that casting these types of tournaments arent cheap.

If you look at the breakdown for example my costs in casting this - adding the thieving cunts that are french toll roads and accommodation - i am looking at 100 euros just in tolls probably. If you look at the benefits/compensation that is up for grabs (for casting the whole tournament - and believe me the amount of risk in casting especially now is so high, you might get flamed by people you've never heard of) is like nothing, not even free drinks - after vocal chord training its literally nowhere even close to "breaking even"

I think that the benefit package needs to be considered. Personally for me the talent should be rewarded much more than current (note that im saying this still based on me not casting before anyone jumps on the bandwagon and says im only interested because i think if i offer to cast I'll be hired). My opinion is that the talent should be given accommodation, travel expenses, and Azatej's config . Even just Azatej's config would be better.

Anyway, based on the points above i dont see there being a great chance of attending based on my casting team's expenses unless we can find some form of support. Regardless and if we dont attend, i hope the tournament is a success and hope none of the above (admins especially) take the constructive criticism i have said personally.
XDDDDDD classic
I would cast the finals as analyst, main caster and co-caster for a copy of Azatejs config and R0SS' mortgage papers.
Remote cast? If you join me as analyst I will give you a 4 pack of premium dutch lager imported from Ireland.

image: 1MfwPIX
QuoteYou need to be serious on your cast and obviously not lose the fun in casting.
credibilis avi lOl
QuoteYou need to be serious on your cast and obviously not lose the fun in casting.

I'm professionally available
I know that fantasy was really wanting in on this, he wants to put his team first though so asked me on ts to show his interest.
The max journal name preview length is a little unfortunate. :D
=] cu anal desk
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