#follow.et professional eSports cklub (since 2008) DEMAND JUSTICE

Hello men,

image: logo3
Obviously our performance at LAN came under some intense criticism. Therefore, we resolved to have a #follow.bootcamp to professionally prepare for our future ET careers, as well as spread ourselves to new games.

First, we had a professional ET pracc on gather (++) last night, where we finished the evening as a squad with a 100% winning ratio (culan).

However, we would like to clarify some of the gather rules, as we feel we may have broken some of the LAWS of ET gather professional esports community.

Quote2. Using TeamSpeak and a working microphone are mandatory, players should follow their captain orders and give necessary information to their respective team.

For this, we connected using a secondary device which our France coach was linked up via teamspeak professional software. Is this acceptable? We also used our primary microphone device to sing songs and say rude words to our fellow teammates. If this is unacceptable, I feel justice should be served.

However, after a round we feel that we were unfairly targeted by the community, as we were muted by our fellow teammates, leaving us unable to give France professional comms. Is this acceptable to the gather community? Please advise.

Quote3. Players who will intentionally troll or be afk either at picking phase or in-game, will be banned temporary.

We can confirm we did not troll or be afk at any point.

Quote8. Captains have to record demo and provide these either upon request of admins or incase of a conflict.

We would just like to make sure that, as we have raised a conflict, the demos are provided by the relevant captains. I cannot remember the Poland captains, so they should reveal themselves.

Quote1. Respect everyone here, be polite and nice. This includes insulting players in-game, if found guilty, you will be restricted from gather games for certain time period

We would like to come clean and admit that, in the past 24 hours, we have insulted other players whilst playing gather games. I personally (United Kingdom niSmO) called someone a 'nerd' and said 'culan', but I cannot speak for others actions, which leads me to our final, and most important rule break:

We switched players after each map, so a range of players played from my professional gaming hub throughout one gather game.

I could not find allusions to this in the official rules, but I do feel we mislead players who picked us. For instance, United Kingdom Fantasy rang Poland h2o asking him to pick us for the gather, despite queuing as United Kingdom niSmO whilst intending to have a range of different Europe players playing. This, as I'm sure you will agree, is misleading. We would like to apologise as a Europe professional esports community for our actions, which we believe require swift and unrelenting justice, as is normal in gathers.

To conclude, we apologise for our breaks of the ET gather rulebook, and feel that we need justice for ourselves.

(bonus picture of a France frenchman playing with a cat he is allergic to)
image: IMG-20190726-WA0039

Warmest regards,
United Kingdom niSmO
Chief of Communications at #follow.et professional eSports cklub (since 2008)
No journals for a month, then i post a picture of France francis petting a cat and no replies - this gamer fucking died men


i wonder where he finds one
I have a video of francis wanking off. Absolutley no joke. Revive crossfire and I will post it.
Nismo, I tried listening back your voice memo over fantasy his phone from yesterday, but the sound. Got bugged mate, :(
Same happened to me. Fantasy, you need a new phone.
Dicks out for francis
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