#Follow.et internal problems

Dear Crossfire users,
image: followPNG

I know it's been a very long time since my last journal but I was extremely busy and I didn't have any good reasons to write a journal. You know that I always make sure my journals are very meaningful and useful.

After our last meeting in United KingdomniSmO's house follow.co.uk headquarters last July, I was pretty satisfied with the general atmosphere in the team and the synergy we built up during our 'escape game' training. The crew there said they've never seen such a brilliant team and we broke a record. We managed to escape after 14 hours as the janitor was opening the door at 5 in the morning to clean the place.

In the taxi with those sexy lads (no homosex)
image: sexymen

In other words, I really thought we could go for another strong performance next lan and reach top 10 world... However, over the last couple of days, I saw things guys. Things that still remain in my brain. My men and woman got hit by nerdism

It all started on last wednesday... I caught some of them playing computer on a wednesday at fucking 11 am and that was even 10am in the UK because Earth is like flat and the Sun goes back in time and stuffs. Anyways, that's not the topic.
image: nerds

Today, friday aka cklubbing day, I wanted to check what my friends were doing on Disco software, What do I see? our newest cyberathlete United Kingdom fAntasy is playing the nbr 1 nerdist game aka World of Warcraft also abbreviated and known among other nerds as WoW.

image: evidence

What should I do guys? Should I take action?

I'll read your comments in a couple of hours when I come back from teh cklub.
Related poll: https://strawpoll.com/hr1874wg
Old but gold game: Find&Fap
Next meeting: January 2020, GermanypArZi's house follow.de headquarters

Professionaly yours,
MarseilleLeFrancis - Coach and CEO at follow.et professionial eSports cklub since 2008 - Top 11 World


I would just like to state for the record that if this journal gets less comments than Romania Damon announcing some low+ ODC in 2019, the game is dead.

Warmest regards,
Agree and noted.
26th was a Monday, Francis. Not Wednesday. How unprofessional of you.
I rate this journal 2/10 (2 points for meeting at the German headquarters in January 2020)
100% german confirmed
I'll fix it when I back home if I still can type
Back from my hiatus since follow.et meet up over a month ago. Great journal but awful picture. Why was this even taken? I am not best pleased :@

I look forward to the new year where there will be 8+ follow,et people marching up to Parzi's house like bosses.
You look handsome as usual m8
top 11 world players show some respect unerd
I'm sorry, what?
with no LAN announcements I've had to resort to other games. please announce a new LAN so I don't have to play this shit anymore.

Joe drank all côte du Rhône next LQN i bring so,e good shit for u mate
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