"on my screen i hit him"

Clean up your pk3s jesus
metsor gather legend at his finest <3
Lol agsor found a serious unhit opponent
cg_crosshairY manipulated?
What is weird is that on the first guy that he kills, the smoke of the hits is on the same horizontal line than his crosshair so how comes with the engi he seems to aim 1 meter above ?
Unhit is now officially confirmed. Every win ever made in this game was a matter of RNG working in someone's favor, eot.
Są tacy, to nie żart, dla których jesteś wart mniej niż wielo
1st of all I nvr said 'on my screen I hit him' lool...
Nice life btw Ipod

Fucking hilarious you guys actually trying to analyse this... :D?
Got distracted a bit with something in the room, wasn't really looking thought the engi was planting on the right side in the corner aaaand Voila...
bro chill lol thats not what i meant by that title

Strupar has removed you as a buddy.
Nothing personal kid.
"Now that I look back on my commets, I feel so ashamed of acting on such a childish way"



lol get that stick out of your ass
it was a funny clip where he completely missed a still target
Honestly, first I thought it was you lol!
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