Happy birthday Sebhes!


image: RILJd0e

Happy 26th birthday to one of the coolest dudes I've ever gotten the pleasure to meet. I think he is responsible for keeping ET alive these past couple of years. His uplifting mood is very contagious and a very good presence to have around. I had the honor of meeting him at LAN(completely destroying him in 3v3) and he is even nicer in person. So once again, happy birthday Sebhes. Hope you have a blessed year and many more to come!
These type of posts really mean a lot to me!! I do really appreciate your effort to write one. Thank you very much for the kind words, it has been a true honor to serve the ET community for the time being. I cherish all the memories, even the memories of waking up at 5 am before school to work on posts to write on crossfire. Who knows what the future will bring. I’ve had a lot of fun playing last Sunday and so did the others in my team. Thank you Ipod
Happy Biceps!
Thank you to the best interviewer of the entire ET history, much love!!
Go Sebhes it's your birthday we're gonna party like it's your birthday
On the behalf of #follow.cklub I wish you an outstanding birthday . Looking forward to seeing you soon in face, muscles and in person. xoxo (no homosex)
Hahaha always my pleasure to read your messages Francis. Thank you very much <3
happy bday sebhes!
Thx a lot my friend, appreciate it!! x
HB Boss :)
Thx a lot my friend, you're definitely the best <3
Happy Birthday Sebhes man !! (a bit late i'm sorry)
kenn ich nich

happy birthday Sebhes m8! Have a superb day

Happy Birthday!
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