#follow.de bootcamp report

Dear crossfire users,

Since our Chief of communication United Kingdom niScO cannot communicate after last night, I have to do the job. Today is day 2 of intense praccing. Our current lineup is:
Germany paRzI (Host)
Germany rayzed
Germany nicon
United Kingdom Potty
United Kingdom niSmO
United Kingdom Osh (nice niSmO's wife btw)
France LeFrancis
(I put my name at the end so you cant say im an arrogant prick)
Our praccs go smoothly. We made our debut to Twitch sings and i am happy to officialy open our #follow.ts division.

Since you nerds dont go out on saturday night you can see what real gayming looks like tonight on https://twitch.tv/nnnismo

+1follower = 1 shot

@Germany stownage don't miss your opportunity to play with top 11 progaymingers and come.

Non-nerdly yours,
Marseille LeFrancis - CEO at follow.et since 2008 - top 11 world
lol :) n1
nice beard Francis :D have fun guys
Thanks m8 i could pretend i let it grow on purpose but in fact i just got too lazy. :S
Best paly goin huge
you should go live in club via smartphone!
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