Local Area Network (LAN)

Hello ETPlayers, during the last few months I received a few requests asking for an Enemy Territory LAN. I am kindly asking for some feedback from players who are still active. What does the current ET scene look like? How is the activity and how realistic do you think it is to have a LAN consisting of at least 8 teams.

Thank you to all guys who have reached out to me personally. I haven't been around that much, but I always appreciate the interest.
Ill make a team, thats 1 :--)
5/8 teams then!
image: Jos--Mourinho-unveiled-as-012
Hi friends and Sebhes,

I have been one of the people badgering Sebhes about this - my apologies Sebhes m8.

I can confirm that #follow.et will bring 2 teams at this LAN. With presumably Elysium + Germans playing, that's 4/8 teams formed already. Anyone who has been to a LAN knows it's a fucking experience worth having, and with the game being more active at the moment (multiple gathers at once each night), personally I believe it is a fine time to be talking about a LAN. Let's get it!

Warmest regards,
Joe aka #follow.et niSmO
(Chief of follow.streaming and Chief of Communications at #follow.et Professional eSports Cklub since 2008 #top11world)
Are we drawing straws for the teams?
details mate, details

If we get enough g5 nerds we might be able to do #follow.uk vs #follow.eu to reenforce our brexity outlook
We can flash our blue passports with pride. Brexit means Brexit.
2020 and still cant properly reply, gg.
I was replying to Joseph actually. I don't speak with your french nerds, have to deal with enough of you already in the botlane.
You'd better have your passport ready :) :)
Dear Sebhes,

I won't make any statement as it is the job of our chief of communication and most succesful ET streamer United KingdomniSmO but we have 2 teams ready to smash nerds. Top 10 confirmed. We had 2 bootcamps since last LAN and we are ready to play computer intoxicated. Other than that, always the same nerds playing gather, the biggest nerd being most certainly Finland mayon and the same cunts raging at a +15yo game.

With warmest regards,
MarseilleLeFrancis - CEO at follow.et - Top 11 World

e: our CoC was too fast for me, this is how serious we are at follow.et eSports cklub.
I'll probably back stab follow.lastplace because those guys are batty Bois. Gunna form a super team with some good players rather than Francis and Co.

So count that as another team. Half way there!
I hope those good players have their passport ready you cock. Even if you were to win anything I'll be laughing at you while I earn millions playing project A.
You mean valorant you dirty French piece of shit. I'll seriously fuck your face up if you even look at me in person. I'm glad I didn't attend the last follow meet up because it looked dead as your suits without me.

Got a few people messaged me back about a team already. Including but not limited to; wakizashiUK, jlplaya, snatix and mxture. Cu lan you small petulant little man.
I have bad news for you since my bff France Mxture will play for my team. He already signed his contract and promised him to hold a 1v1 pingpong/valhalla tournament in exchange . As for Surinamejlplaya, I am extremely well informed about his plans and can assure you he won't join your ranks. Seems like you still have to work on your roster you bellend. If you happen to show up at LAN I advise you to take the eurochannel since the Ryanair staff was embarassed to see you screaming like a little girl when the plane took off (Joe told me everything).
That reply was expected as your iq is on par with a carrot. Listen here, I won't take the eurostar as that's shit as well. I'll fly first class and stay at some 5* hotel which you and your shit scrub team cannot afford. I would bring the lube to help wreck your arse hole but I'd rather go in dry so it hurts a little more. I'll leave your arse hole sagging like a yawning hippo.

Keep trying to replace me but you'll soon understand I am irreplaceable. I carried your sorry arse last lan and I'm sure I could convince some of the better players in your shit team to come to mine if I was super desperate (which I won't be)

In before you and your band of bum boys dodge lan as they are too scared.
As I'm a very generous man, I may educate you a bit and shove a carrot into your anus. It seems like you like filling the gaps so I may help you. Oh and fyi, sticking some 2 € star-shaped stickers onto your door doesnt make it luxurious you cunt. Yeah hf flying to Europe with your british planes oh wait... that's true, you don't have any LOL. If you're lucky enough you may be able to fly with one of the finest EU quality Airbus plane.
I hope for you we wont have to fight at LAN because I practiced MMA for 7 years now and I also have the big bartender from the LAN centre on my side (sorry but not sorry). Luckily enough for you and as you may know, 'stop' is also the german word for 'please stop to destroy my shitty face".
Right listen here you little cunt. I've seen Joe say I'm going to lan with you still and I wasn't even asked. That's bullshit as I know you need me to make the week more entertaining. We'll instead I'm going to make it fucking hell for you. Don't even buy me a drink you suit cunt. I'll call the ambulance service to let them know they'll probably need a wagon out the front to cart your beaten and bruised body away.

Keep trying to formulate a plan to deal with me. I just want to punch your little French shit cunt face.
Ok let me tell you something you rosbeef eater. I won't waste my time writing to a nerd who can barely cook noodles. Remember the day your cooking device was on fire? I made my point. The only fans you have are from Sri Lanka or some other 3rd world country like UK. Other than that nobody has ever heard of your shitty nickname. Also GL smashing my face I planned to come with a helmet next LAN like Daft Punk I will be headbanging forward and backwards at your face until it becomes red, as a red as a fucking tomatoe . I'll spread your legs and make you do the splits If I were you I wouldnt reply to this comment, it's better for your physical integrity believe me you little fucker
You are struggling to form a strong attack here. Guessing you are waiting for my comeback? Well if you want my come back go scrape it off your mothers teeth.

I am seriously going to squash your face against the sofa and sit on it. I won't wipe for months either, something you are probably more familiure with than myself.

You can bring whatever you want to lan it won't stop me pounding your shit cunt face into a fucking mess.... Mind you it's a fucking mess already.
v54 Sebhes,

Thank you for making this post regarding another ET World Cup. I look forward to playing against the best ET players in the world, battling it out for a chance to win the prestigeous title of Best ET Player 2k20 (date tbc).

I hope you remember the facetime/videocall we had whilst in the 5 times Michelin Star restaurant, Wetherspoons. I was in an IRL gather with the biggest nerds in the game, and we all expressed our desire for another LAN. As communicated above, I'll be part of the #follow.uk team ready to make top #8 world.

If you need any assistance during the LAN organisation, I will do my best to help where I can.


Marcus (I don't have a title yet in #follow.et as my role at the minute is just to smash nerds. I'm hoping I'll be knighted and given a full title with honours when we make it through the LAN qualifiers).
I do remember our videocall! Thank you for your offer. You have always been very kind Marcus
Would definitely be up for a lan if it wasn't during the busy transfer season in football! :)
The most realistic moment seems to be right after the summer
i think we can have even more teams this time because of discord activity
Discord had about 20/30 more active players the time of the last LAN tho :P
+1 team from me
I would personally look forward to that. It is the competitive side of ET that has always attracted me
nice black operation. are you working for the chinese government to spread corona among the ET community, you filthy hoodlum?!
Don't worry, I have been warning people about the virus already in early January
I'd say there are definitely enough players that would love to attend another event. Gathers are pretty busy lately and after the last lan a couple of old players showed interest as well. So I think it would be worth looking into.

Also, if you would need help with any organising, we'd be more than happy to help with whatever you need. :)
I'd be more than happy to organise your birthday party at lan with a few BECKS and some roses :{D
My own birthday planner? I accept. :D
Thanks a lot, I appreciate your words
Will be there of course and preferably playing in a team
#follow.hairless might be able to set you up!
rumoured third squad?!
avi to make a team :D
On a des culs à bouffer.
Tu me tue :DD
Road to LDC
C'est bien parti si on refait pas des matchs comme celui contre Amiens.
Will definetly attend! Atleast spec if not with team
Just bring the cats again. We didnt play each other last lan :--)
The matchup i hoped for most! Next time then :)
Yeah me/we 2 :-) Hopefully next lan!
Great to see you still browsing this website
Havent really played anything after last lan but i have been constantly checking here :P
get it on son
High5/SLU/o6/sWat/q2nf is ready to attend, lineup as follows:

Poland dnl (c)
Poland syriusZ (tbc)
Poland winq (will confirm if LAN venue offers free beers)
Poland lamek (still not confirmed as waiting for daily internet assignment to be delivered)
Poland stexx (possible replacement needed if coronavirus reach Japan)
Poland riseye (tbc if skill is above jebanylow)

Towels: Poland sprAjt

cu there
Thanks a lot for the comments. I am very pleased to read that players are still in touch with each other and enjoy the game as intended. I must admit that the interest seems sufficient for the time being.

I can tell that I have always stayed in contact with Ekto and stRay. The truth is that we are all three more busy than before, organizing a LAN has therefore become more difficult for us. Let's see what time will bring.

To be continued .. (?)

Never say never

LAN squad already announced by us, cu there (got in first)

Gotta say, haven't played ET since last LAN in Krefeld (which was extremely fun). But my mind cannot let this game go somehow, I'm starting to crave it again. Best memories ever, so on, so on. Anyway, if a LAN pops up, I will 100 percent be there! LETS FUCKING GO BOIS
Get the absturz boys back so we can play each other again! ;-)
TSB ready

Poland BloOdje (c)
Poland TworzyQ
Poland dizel
Poland wiaderko (smg)
Poland lockhehead
Poland mag boboni
Poland BlOodJe has said that he will be happy to name his team Poland #follow.pl to add a THIRD team to the #follow.et professional eSports cklub. Will you be upholding this professional and solemn promise?

Warmest regards,
Poland Joe
I offer 1 welcome shot for each player on the behalf of #follow.pl department if you confirm what niSmO said.
cu there
bring ur mouse next time m8
promoted for more interests http://fb.com/wolfet.online
you should also use this page for future streaming when casting or w/e getting lot of engagement and over 500 viewers
if i can make it, I'd be more than up to host an event again. Won't be playing myself though most likely
but mate, the only game we can play, in which you will destroy me, is the drinking game <3
It depends when I get back a computer to train a bit again but why not!
I'm living in Belgium so not far away from Germany
GL with LAN iam not comming
Lan without rezta is no lan!
Thnx mate but the gathers changed my thoughts there is too much troll and iam getting flamed because i dont listen too tax and play bad. its just a game my motivation for gathers totally zero now. gonna play public is more fun then playing with few guys like the gathers are everything for them (serious business ). maby if a team thats only for fun an not so serious i will think about it.
Guess u played too much with Cupra.
The gather is not a good representation of the community that Will be at the lan. Only 5% of those players will actually show up at lan. So see you there ;)
So true i will consider it if it really gonna happen :-)

The gather community is filled with no knowledge, skill, gamesense having players but yet the players who developed somewhat of authority because of their activity that they react their own lack of skill to other players not playing often.

Dont even be bothered friend, i remember players sucking up to the bigboys few years back and now they think theyre all that.
Don't let the gather bastards put you off mate - #follow.et are always waiting for you if you want to play for fun. Would be a pleasure to have you!
We take gaming seriously at follow.et but as our chief of security services you're always welcome to compete at the bar and get the ladies at teh cklub with us while ugly nerds sweat in their basement.
GL with LAN iam not comming
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