#follow.baserace PREPARING TO UNLEASH

Hello friends,
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So it was a sunny day in Philadelphia (where I was born and raised) and I came across a professional Facebook page as a sponsored ad. This Facebook post inwited me and my professional team to participate in a professional Facebook Wolfenstein.ET Baserace tournament. They were obviously looking for some professionalism and used Facebook to find the right persons, which I understand.

I can now reveal that, on the 26th April, #follow.baserace will be returning to compete in the Facebook tournament on the digital battlefield!!!!1!

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In this Facebook tournament, you can expect to see names such as:
United Kingdom niSmO
France Francis
Finland Woony
Germany parziiiiiiiiiiiii
Germany nicon
United Kingdom pottty
United Kingdom fantasy
United Kingdom YMCA Marcus
Germany Rayzed
Netherlands Enigma
Germany stownage
Finland hukk
United Kingdom rolst
Netherlands CoCo
Finland Wrath
And many, many more!!

We are determined to smash faces on the Facebook digital battlefield once again, starting with these nerds:

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We at #follow.et professional eSports cklub since 2008 (top11world) wish you a happy quarantine, and hope that you keep yourself safe during the nasty foreign virus.

image: followPNG
cu on, and get signed up!
Wow thats amazing, I can't wait to watch #follow.et on Facebook for the first time!!!
epic LU! GL!
Imagine having a calendar in 2020
#follow.et LeFrancis (coach&CEO)
Today at 2:56 PM
10v10 baserace
bring tissues to wipe ur tears

We will bring them for you, don't worry!
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