PANORAMA: BrigadierDog - The World's Biggest Backstabber??? Part 1

As you read this, I would recommend listening to this:

Hello friends,

Crime and drama are wonderful things. They feed the soul, the mind and the body, and give us all something to be excited and interested in, especially when things are slow. Imagine the scene; A world-crippling virus is killing people all across the globe, forcing people to stay indoors. Society is locked away, browsing TikTok and playing nerd games to try and keep themselves occupied as they usually would be. Wouldn't some e-drama be fantastic?

Fortunately for you, there is some e-drama. And IT'S BIG.

Some of you may be aware of the narcissistic and self-gratifying historic etpro pub-monopoly that is Hemesta Boys Crew, aka (HBC) and their 'Hellbasket' serwer. On this server, nerds from around the world play under fear of repression from toxic admins, who allow everything from racism to homophobia to banning a single ET player and threatening legal action (#FREENISMO), whilst being strict disciplinarians. Many of you I'm sure have suffered at the hands of Hemesta Boys Crew (HBC) and their tyrannical leader Australia Lab Rat, but this is not a story about tyranny. This is a story about a boy who reached too far.

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Step in, (HBC)BrigadierDog. A loyal (if stupid) follower of the HBC cult. BrigadierDog enjoys two simple pleasures in life: giving ammo and laying down arty. Both of these pleasures allow BrigadierDog to get lots of XP, which he likes very much. It makes his little tin heart sing with joy.

(HBC)BrigadierDog until recently has been a stalwart member and $300(!!!) donater to the (HBC)HellBasket server. But, one day a year ago, everything changed.

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Let's take it back to April 2019. The (HBC) server is empty, and Hirntot [!!!] is king. The server has had outages and downtime, which, combined with its constant lag issues, have contrived to kill activity on the server. On 19th April 2019 at 22:10, this post appeared on the (HBC) forums.

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The poster is a man called Monty on the Run, who isn't a member of (HBC), but certainly seems to deserve his own detective show. Clearly some strong accusations, including that he has been insulting the (HBC) server AND playing on other servers secretly whilst being a part of (HBC), which is, of course, against the rules.

(HBC)BrigadierDog responded to this in the classic (HBC) fashion when HBC are accused of anything untoward:
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However, this wasn't going to fly with Mr Australia Lab Rat, the strictest rat in ET gayming.
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Obviously this shook the now hapless BrigadierDog, who responded:

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He makes some strong points:
  • 'al HBC players going play on new servers not just me'
  • 'when you log in on hbc an it is empty bog macday horus al hbc will play full servers'
  • 'we love this sever but when we join it and it is empty like last night we can join hirntot or new servers let it be then in say bye bye'

However, Monty on the Run had only just started his detective work, and was desperate to put the nail in the coffin of (HBC)BrigadierDog's reputation as a loyal HBC member.

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First, a screenshot, showing that the (HBC) server is not the dead horse BrigadierDog claims it to be.

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Then, a screenshot showing BrigadierDog playing on [!!!] Hirntot 7 map like the slut he is, wearing the (HBC) tag.

BrigadierDog then starts to insult Monty, perhaps causing some of his anger and feeding his need for a conviction.

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However, this is not all: it transpires that (HBC)BrigadierDog has been eschewing his (HBC) tag and playing under another name on different servers:
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Although Monty on the Run's evidence for BrigadierDog and RaMMsteiN being the same person seems to be unclear, it has been accepted by the HBC hierarchy without question.

Let's dig deeper:

Monty on the Run then proceeds to provide a statistical analysis of (HBC)BrigadierDog's actions on various servers. Let's take a look:
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(I would just like to say for the record that I have no idea what this diagram shows. But Monty on the Run seemed to treat it as crucial evidence, so it needed to be here)
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Quote by BrigadierDoglol players server dead

Those fateful words. What could they mean? Monty has presented his own interpretation, but what could they mean to the clan leader, Hemesta Boys Crew owner, Mr Australia Lab Rat?

Monty on the Run concludes:
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  • BrigadierDog did not "uphold the highest level of respect, maturity and sportsmanship"
  • BrigadierDog did not use his referee powers lawfully, and thus had them revoked.
  • BrigadierDog did not "respect other members" by insulting kitty (A lady, no less).
  • BrigadierDog did not follow the big rule... rule #10.

Quote by Hemesta Boys Crew Statue of Law and Rights Rule #10"Whilst a member of HBC, you cannot join another clan or you will be dishonorably discharged as a traitor"




So what will happen to BrigadierDog following Monty on the Run's evidence?

Stay tuned for Part 2, our finale of events!

Can't wait for part 2, this is a true crime story right here!
such effort for a humble Brigadier ^^
He loves an effort
Good read keep it up FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!
e-drama XD
waiting part 2 xD
I'm sure! Are you still a part of HBC?
Part 2 will be booh booh benkweller banned me for nothing booh booh
And the guy wonders why he isn't really welcome on server...
When you scratch shit you get a lot of it under your fingernails
Interesting perspective, permission to include this on part 2?
Also, I would be interested to see what shit you might get under the fingernails when digging into this - message me for an interview if you want x
overwhelming evidence
great journalism, great investigation, would read it again
Definitly worth the effort
first e-drama post in years on cf. yeah keep it up :D
Man and I thought my e-drama was bad.
poor briggy dog rly fucked up big time poor lad
image: dog-crackhead1
haha this post was absolutely legendary :D

Thanks for the good laugh
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