PANORAMA: BrigadierDog - Will he be forgiven??? Part 2

Hello friends,

Welcome to part 2 of this sordid, sordid tale. In the first part, we established the groundworks of the case. (HBC)BrigadierDog, a faithful member of Hemesta Boys Crew (HBC), was accused, on the 19th April 2019, of several crimes:
  1. Spending lots of time on other servers other than (HBC)HellBasket server whilst the (HBC) may have been inactive
  2. Playing under different names whilst doing so
  3. Historical other crimes, such as making selfish refereeing decisions, disrespecting a lady and not "upholding the highest level of respect, maturity and sportsmanship", all things that (HBC) pride themselves on.

All of this was accused by the somewhat mysterious Monty on the Run, who I can today assure readers, is a gimp.

At this point, if you would like to watch a multimedia representation of what happened and catch it live as it began to unfold, please follow this link:

Firstly, we have some reponses to Monty on the Run's original post:

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Puaj felt the need to praise Monty's detective skills, whilst also making the dangerous decision of questioning the backwards justice system (HBC) employs.

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Trinita makes a fucking good point, before continuing:

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An interesting point is made by Trinita here; if the server is empty, what should (HBC)BrigadierDog do? Should he be "sitting on spec and wait for ppl to come", or should he be allowed to play on other servers? If the server is "dead", can he be blamed for playing elsewhere? All good questions, and it is up to Australia(HBC) Lab Rat to provide a just and reasonable response to them.

Due to some exceptional detective work from the viewers at (especially Zeta), we have managed to establish what the response from (HBC) Lab Rat was, and can broadcast this live to your viewing device.

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On 12th June 2019 at 4:08, (HBC)BrigadierDog got his response:

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Mr Australia Lab Rat pulls no punches. Lab Rat references BrigadierDog's betrayal to the (HBC) clan, but also hints at some other, more hidden crimes that have been committed by the Dog:
  • "A server that has suffered a serious issues your selfish needs cared not for HBC whatsoever and only for yourself" - What selfish acts has BrigadierDog committed?
  • "You have no interest in HBC and tbh I dont think you ever had" - What is BrigadierDog's hidden agenda?

It becomes clearer further down:
Quote by Lab RatWith threatening words to only donate to HBC if we changed the server to suit your Ammo/Arty needs was quite hurtful

What seems to be hinted here is that BrigadierDog, whilst being a part of (HBC), would only donate to support HBC if they supported his playstyle - a threatening gesture. As I said in Part 1:

Quote by Part 1 BrigadierDog enjoys two simple pleasures in life: giving ammo and laying down arty. Both of these pleasures allow BrigadierDog to get lots of XP, which he likes very much. It makes his little tin heart sing with joy.

I can now reveal through hidden sources (a chat with BrigadierDog himself), that BrigadierDog has pumped money to the tune of €300 into HBC. He demanded that the HBC server support his "Ammo/Arty needs", and in return, he would pump in more of his money. For a while, he became the backer, the anonymous sugardaddy behind the HBC machine.

But alas, the game is up for BrigadierDog.

Adding fuel to the fire, Monty on the Run jumped in straight away:
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Monty hints at 3 communities damaged by BrigadierDog - if anybody has any information referring to these incidents, please PM me on crossfire - I would be very interested to discuss this.

Monty investigates the psyche of the Dog:
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Is XP the one thing in life that makes BrigadierDog tick? How high does his "euphoria" fly? Will 1200 "do"?

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Monty on the Run, albeit a gimp, actually breaks down the mind of a BrigadierDog quite completely here (and with clear relish). One could question Monty on the Run's psyche in a similar manner, as (HBC)Hannes does:

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It is clear that (HBC) were unified against BrigadierDog, and left him no option but to leave the clan. A sad end to an interesting time in the colourful history of Hemesta Boys Crew.

Any last words, BrigadierDog?

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What has happened since then?
BrigadierDog seems to have been unable to leave ET and commit to real life, and can now be seen sporting his own name along with others (mostly in red and white, similar to RaMMstein in the previous post) on public servers. Interestingly, he has been spotted playing on the newly populated (HBC)HellBasket server owned by Australia Lab Rat, which needed a global pandemic to regain popularity. HBC continues to be the shitty organisation it always has been, and has recently been seen allowing people to be openly racist and homophobic, calling on the classic "!cry more" attitude in response. Having been on the receiving end of it's toxic attitude towards everything many times, I'm absolutely sure it will never change, and will ultimately die again when people leave ET for their post-pandemic lives.

As we wrap up, I would guide you to watch the multimedia representation of what happened and catch it live as it began to unfold - follow this link:

Thanks very much to everyone who has followed the BrigadierDog story - what next? An E-drama about BURPS?

In the meantime,
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And if you have any other stories about Brigadier and the 3 other communities he has destroyed, please get in touch.

Warmest regards,
Joe aka niSmO aka shaLLoTs, HBC regular
Chief of Communications at Professional eSports cklub since 2008 (top11world)

wtf did I just read? :D
THE STORY DOES NOT END. Two days ago I saw still wearing the tag on HBC server. The balls on this guy....
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