3on3&6on6 ODC Completed!
4 May 2020, 01:53
What a blast did we have and i i can truely say i am surprised by the amount of teams we have had in both formats, which shows just how much activity there is currently in ETPro, with 18 3on3 and 6on6 teams respectively signed up and with a lot of good games to be speced.
I would like to thank to all the teams participating in this cup, even tho certain games didn't go out the way i had it planned, but i hope that for the rest viewers and players enjoyed it to the fullest! We had ipod streaming and shoutcasting Grand finals of 3on3 and 6on6 as well as various of other ET players streaming from their own POV, u can find all their replays over at https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Wolfenstein%3A%20Enemy%20Territory.
As mentioned above, we had 18 3on3 and 6on6 teams split between Division 1 and Division 2, where they battled it out for the golden pocals and the winners are:
Division 1:
30stm (Damon, GiZmOoO, uYop)
tMoe (Abject, h2o, WuT)
Division 2:
#tabloid-junkies (jasiek, ska, testi)
Running With Cissors (roltz, tw1n, halidith)
Momentum (seeD, Bystry, Jimi)
Division 1:
Elysium (GiZmOoO, hayaa, iNsAne, Jere, Sebhes, outlAw)
mongols ( mayan, uYop, Abject/BloOdje, s1LENT, Aquila, BOBiKA)
tMoe (Abject, dialer, h2o, frag'stealer, toNy, WuT)
Division 2:
turbot (Swanidius, Vokki, Walle, Mikza, lettu, Olden, Clouver)
Ban IMO (Mesh, Enigma, Quake, snjh, ScarZy, skyline)
Team Germany (psiquh, mKs, t1mmae, Ava, Specula, zeif0)
In Division 2, turbot and Ban IMO have yet to play second match, as turbot came from LB and had to win twice, they won first match but due to late time we posponsed second game to Monday. You can watch the game on gamestv.
All in all i hope that everyone enjoyed their share of games in either 3on3 or 6on6 cup and that we will see more activity coming up in ET!
Main news and all the teams signed up can be seen here.
I would like to thank to all the teams participating in this cup, even tho certain games didn't go out the way i had it planned, but i hope that for the rest viewers and players enjoyed it to the fullest! We had ipod streaming and shoutcasting Grand finals of 3on3 and 6on6 as well as various of other ET players streaming from their own POV, u can find all their replays over at https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Wolfenstein%3A%20Enemy%20Territory.
As mentioned above, we had 18 3on3 and 6on6 teams split between Division 1 and Division 2, where they battled it out for the golden pocals and the winners are:
3on3 ODC
Division 1:
30stm (Damon, GiZmOoO, uYop)
tMoe (Abject, h2o, WuT)
Division 2:
#tabloid-junkies (jasiek, ska, testi)
Running With Cissors (roltz, tw1n, halidith)
Momentum (seeD, Bystry, Jimi)
Division 2 Grand finals
6on6 ODC
Division 1:
Elysium (GiZmOoO, hayaa, iNsAne, Jere, Sebhes, outlAw)
mongols ( mayan, uYop, Abject/BloOdje, s1LENT, Aquila, BOBiKA)
tMoe (Abject, dialer, h2o, frag'stealer, toNy, WuT)
Division 1 Grand finals
Division 2:
turbot (Swanidius, Vokki, Walle, Mikza, lettu, Olden, Clouver)
Ban IMO (Mesh, Enigma, Quake, snjh, ScarZy, skyline)
Team Germany (psiquh, mKs, t1mmae, Ava, Specula, zeif0)
In Division 2, turbot and Ban IMO have yet to play second match, as turbot came from LB and had to win twice, they won first match but due to late time we posponsed second game to Monday. You can watch the game on gamestv.
Match 1 of Division 2 Grand finals:
Match 2 of Division 2 Grand finals:
All in all i hope that everyone enjoyed their share of games in either 3on3 or 6on6 cup and that we will see more activity coming up in ET!
Main news and all the teams signed up can be seen here.
saving ET fo real
and gratz again for tabloid junkies