RTCW - Kevin's awesome kills during NationsCup II
6 May 2020, 17:52
that screen shake during airstrikes gives me a headache
almost the same feeling when this song is being played @ 5AM on marginale klj feesten in vlaanderen #intended #rtcwisfortruemen
sorry m8 can't hear you over all these hitsounds #ET4thew!n
It's the only thing that is really missing in RTCW #hfwatchingETmatchesWITH15minFULLHOLDonSUPPLY
better than watching the same map played 4 times in a row #theytriedin2001butdidntgetitrightuntil2003
Really? #supplySUPPLYsupplySUPPLYgoldrush
isn't it attack then defend then attack again then defend again in RTCW? I don't even know
no wonder people just wanna play panzer all the time when half of the round time the screen is shaking at 2frames per second and only thing you see is your butthole or the sky
you don't even notice it after a bit tbh :D
It really isnt that big of issue :D Though it might look like that if you havent really played rtcw at all
throw strike = nobody sees shit = ez win
Das ist la meilleur musique dans un fragmovie ooit.
jet geliek vint
I love the music
haha <3