G5 Quarantine Tournament - VALORANT

Hey all, it's been a while. Hope everyone is keeping well and still fragging out.

Wanted to let everyone know that we will be hosting a friendly Valorant Tournament during these quarantine times.

Basic info for now:
Game: Valorant
Prize for winning team: £100
Entry fee: THERE IS NO FEE!
Start Date: 29th May (times and length of tournament will be decided upon successful and amount of teams registered)
Registration: We will open up registration on 13th May and close on 24th May.

How to register will be explained on the #registry channel in the Tournaments Category later this week on discord. You need to register as a team (5 Members) or have open spots that can be filled. If you don't have a team, you can hopefully join a team that needs players.

Most importantly, this is all for good fun, so spread the word and lets try get as many people to join as possible. Be nice to see

More details will be provided later this week!


image: g5_TournamentFlyer
avi, big roller, pm me here or on discord ;)
BOOM G5!!!
like a G6
I've ticket, can I entry?
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