NC 2020: Team Netherlands

image: pwOeM5M

Netherlands Cupra
Netherlands GiZmOoO
Netherlands Jay
Netherlands Joshua
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands Krepox
Netherlands Leonneke
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands Sebhes
Netherlands SQuid

It is my great pleasure to announce the team that will represent Netherlands the Netherlands during the Nations Cup of this year. I am absolutely amazed by the enthusiasm and involvement of players thus far and I am convinced we will continue to show the support and love we share as a nation throughout the tournament.

During the last week we have got the opportunity to try out a various amount of players. I would like to thank each and every individual player for applying, their time and effort during games. I was positively overwhelmed by the amount of interest we received.

Ladies and gentleman, the Netherlands is absolutely determined to take home victory. We want to wish all the nations all the best throughout the tournament. Let us cherish and celebrate this great game called Enemy Territory. The game that has brought us so much.

Netherlands Accept the challenge so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory Netherlands

Quote by eujenRomania Good luck to you all. Your team has a lot of fun playing together!

Quote by JereBelgium Without Jere they will surely win the

Quote by R0SSUnited Kingdom By far the favourites for the tournament. A massively talented group of individuals who have played together for a long time and a good group of lads. Anything other than 1st would be a major disappointment, good luck!

Quote by SalaneuvosFinland I really do miss those years and I could not imagine a better game or community to have spent them with. All the best to everyone still keeping ET alive and good luck in the upcoming NC.

P.S. I found it funny how Dutch people always said 'lekker this, lekker that'. I never knew what it meant, but it was great.

Quote by SPU9Germany It is really great to see some big and familiar names in the lineup and I am thrilled to see some awesome Enemy Territory actions live on GamesTV - best of luck and much fun to everyone involved!

Quote by sqZzUnited Kingdom i did say id do it il talk to you tomorrow my man

Quote by toxicMalta I put NL as favourites for this as not only do they have the strongest 6, but they also have fantastic players that can jump in if required.
Feels like I'm reading comments from 10 years ago.
denk aan je massage shaff you got this, gl boys :*
GL guys! You have a top team with great players! See you on final match :D
Belgium vs Brazil in the finals :D
Hahahaha maybe a dream comes true haha
Je bent vergeten mijn naam erbij te zetten!
Pls change eujens quote

Quotegive me ref [...]server restarted oops
Hahaha - soooooo annoying!
I feel bad for him, he was genuinely sorry and couldn’t help it haha. Mistakes were made, don’t worry about it our beloved shoutcaster
Did he say what he did in the end? I'm sure it was an accident, but would be good to know what he did... so we never do it :D
He tried out ref comp, because he thought it would give him access to more permissions
What a fuck up hahaha
I was truly astonished :D, but I hope he will continue to shout cast, because I enjoy his shout casts just like the others
Where are his streams anyway?
I asked him about it, but unfortunately twitch didn't save them
Haha - what a day :D
Hahaha, yes what was that
Poor Eujen... Hope he isnt traumatised after that fuckup xD
GL vrienden
gl boys! ik tune in op elke match
Thanks voor de support vriend, dat stellen we zeker op prijs!
gl boyssssss
Thanks rezta <3
Leroy hoort hier tussen te staan wanneer je Krepox en Leonneke meeneemt.
Hoe dan ook, succes!
Thanks voor het succes Constan, we gaan ons best doen
Geen probleem Sebhes maar toch, ik wil niemand iets misgunnen en je moet het allemaal zelf weten natuurlijk maar als je dit proces nog eens naloopt is het toch vrij krom dat je Leonneke (wanneer actief?) en Krepox toevoegt aan je team en Leroy er helemaal buiten laat. Als het wat persoonlijks is had je er verstandig aan gedaan dat gewoon voor de try outs te communiceren ipv zogenaamd objectief je selectie te maken. Want wanneer je Leonneke meeneemt in team NL en Leroy niet ben je gewoon niet objectief te werk gegaan en dat is best jammer tegenover iemand die je ook persoonlijk kent en vaak mee hebt gespeeld.
Mocht je er nog eens over willen hebben kan je me altijd benaderen op teamspeak en dan hebben we het er nog eens over
Gl Elsa Hosk
No pelliku no win
He is in the team ass hole xD
Netherlands Cupra
Netherlands GiZmOoO
Netherlands Jay
Netherlands Joshua
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands Pelliku
Netherlands Leonneke
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands Sebhes
Netherlands SQuid

I see!
Did you delete me? :(
Its different now. I think Sebhes edited the post
winner winner chicken dinner
Nice quotes, I approve this journal
Good luck team Belgium
sick Players in the lu. Cu on the battlefield
Bunker Cupra?
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