400 or 800 DPI? - G MX518

Hello everyone,

after some ages I have decided to start some gaming again.

I still have my old QL and W:ET configs. Interestingly I have different sensitivities noted in my configs which I believe are related to 400 and 800 DPI:

Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory:
sensitivity 2.58 // = 1,45
cg_fov 90
Resolution: 1920x1080

sensitivity "4.5"
cg_fov "103"
Resolution: 1920x1080

So I believe that I played with either 400 or 800 DPI back then (Deathadder / G400).

Does the chosen DPI have and positive or negative effect?
E.g. negative accel?
Also it seems like with todays mouse sensors I am not required to stick with the default / native DPI anymore?

Thanks in advance!
Anything above 800 is negative accel, so basically no issue 400/800

also in ET above 4sens starts getting choppy, 5 is the limit, after that its a shit show, so essentially higher DPI = lesser ingame sens = better "smoothness"

but there may be other factors from back in the day aswell, since I remember some people using specific DPI because of specific HZ, but that may have been BS aswell as I really dunno if it somehow works out changing the way mechanic work (dpi+hz together) xd
Mhh I think there is a correlation between DPI, sensitivity, screen resolution and fps. So it is not just "anything over 800" causes negative accel.

See: https://s547.neocities.org/mouse.html
thx for that link!
Is there any sense/mouse tutorial how to get things right?
I also have problems finding really good settings for my mouse....

When I see how incredibly fluid and precise some pros play, I'd really like to know their settings that lead to that. (Apart from all the training, of course.)
144Hz display is probably the biggest boost in fluidness and skill you can get.
144hz is some amateur gaming, real pros play CRT
Real pros play on a laptop with integrated CRT screen.
I once tried it with my gameboy but the battery doesn't last long enough.
There is no special settings, talent/practice. Fluid / smooth motion is the result of mouse control on whatever sens be it 3cm/360 or 36cm/360
1600 DPI and 2.0 sensi xD :D
wtf do you do cocain?
Yeeee try this
@beAsty, Do you have the old MX518? I have MX518 2019 version with the following settings in ET:

cg_fov 110
Sensitivity: 5.0
DPI: 800
Resolution: 1920x1080 on a 23 inch screen
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