Going HUGE for #follow.VALORANT

Hello friends,

New LMG nerding video is up - this video is perfect for those wanting to enjoy professional SPRAYDOWNS in a game that doesn't really encourage them.



image: giphy

Hi scoof,

Thanks for your professional advice - as an eSportsperson of course I want to be big and famous like LeBron James. I will consider taking your advice.

(In all seriousness, at the moment I'm just experimenting with the moviemaking, and will probably post to Reddit etc once I'm more confident in what I'm doing. Thanks for the advice)
Hey, thank you. You're welcome :)

Its all about Marketing. Without visibility your hard work will lead to 0 results. Upload your content on the right platforms i.e reddit, valorant forums, steam groups etc. link them to your twitch/YT and you'll be gaining a fanbase/community with entertaining ppl, you dont even have to be a pro!

Tips for YT growth: use keywords of trending valorant videos / with most clicks. You can check their keywords by clicking right click on the page > show page source text > CTRL+F and type "keywords" (check this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsU-WSZfRLg) - will get you much more video views, because of keywords, so your videos get ranked on top.

Tips for Social Media: Make sure you have Twitter, FB-Gaming Creator & IG Page. So you can build on every platform a big fanbase. Use https://later.com/ and connect all your social media profiles. Now you can schedule your posts and they will be auto-posted (even if you're sleeping or doing other things). I suggest you to upload your best streaming highlights, make them short and entertaining (around 1-2 mins for FB, IG & Twitter)
Make sure you use the right hashtags/keywords, Ninja got famous because Drake found him on IG :-D You can research trending keywords here: https://www.tagsfinder.com/

Tips for streaming: As multistreaming isnt violating any policy, you should use this potential for max. growth. Use this free tool: https://studio.mobcrush.com/ and stream on multiple platforms at the same time.

Keep going and your work will pay off :)
You make me wanna start streaming m8. :)
Start out :) its a good option for passive income - and later you can switch to fulltime when you're making good money :-)

But please never ever make any partnerships with big gaming companies (i.e supplements, gaming equipment,...), your account will turn into an advertising puppet and they decide everything about your content, schedule etc. and its hard to get out from these contracts, perfect example for this are Instagram puppet Influencers...

Then better make your own branding. There are a lot of services where you dont even need to invest money, for example https://www.printful.com/ (Print-On-Demand Service for Merch)

-Amazon PartnerNet https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/ (Affiliate Program - linking to some products you use yourself i.e your gaming equipment etc and get a commission for each sale)

-G2A Goldmine https://www.g2a.com/goldmine (Affiliate Program for Games, Gaming Stuff etc, you could use this i.e for your own community as giveaways to recieve more followers/donation)

-Sell digital products, i.e coachings or pdf ebooks (costs you only time)

-Or get in touch with biggest manufactures from China -> alibaba.com or aliexpress.com and make dropshipping/ open a dropshipping store (Dropshipping is when a vendor fulfills orders from a third party and has them ship directly to the customer. In other words, the vendors passes on the sales order to the supplier, who then fulfills the order. ... The vendor does not store their own inventory or ship items directly.)

Dont work hard, work smart :) have multiple income streams, not only the twitch partnerprogram and donations
you maik money like this? live with this? no i dunt believe cause all you say are things that have been milked out by any chinese/internet guy?

Mayb in ukrain but no no possible if you have currency orb
hey scoofy, if you hef head like potat, still no one gonna watch also if not good skill

Also you sounds lik you read a "h1 tag is very important for google so pls do"

you forget most importnat and that is TIME, why ppl always forget time? all i see is fish in the sea
i have kidnapped your brothers colon, if you have time to et it from here i shall be happy cause i dont need it anymore
I have trouble finding Heavy weapon spray interesting to watch, to be completely honest with you.
I think I'd rather look at a couple of 3-men kill with one loader of Vandal/Phantom than 4/5-men kill with a Heavy Weapon or a light weapon. (though I shall unveil a pistol ACE, that I made myself, soon)
Despite my personal preferences, that's a good job!
This is an issue I am coming to understand more clearly friend, and am striving for self-improvement. Trying to mix things up with some different kills etc for the next video. Thanks for feedback, is always useful!
Already looking forward to watching it! I have to admit that heavy weapons can be more useful than in CS, which is really interesting for the gameplay.
Now that the Quakecon@home is over, I'll have time to come back to Valorant a bit and to begin this act2!
New video is up - will probably put a journal soon


Say if you want to play, it's usually me and nicon at the moment - the rest of #follow.valorant seems to have gone quiet!
I pmed you on Discord :)
Im up to play again!
Coooooool, you still on our discord?
oh helli i play very good in cartoon games, my age also below restriction but i like very much

i have played mincraft, deus ex human revolution, LoL and i have done fortnite cause my mom wanted my to have friends. i play valorant now cause i think it has very good skill like fortnite

How do join?
hi u have 2 email francis thx
haha Odin go brrrrrrrrrrrrr
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