Buggering nerds since 2020
30 Aug 2020, 15:52
Hello friends!
Made a new video (it's VALORANT)
Used a different style + different software (DaVinci Resolve instead of OpenShot) - DaVinci seems so much quicker to use. Also started using Outplayed (stops me going back and watching every single game to find kills - it records and tracks them), so lots of changes! Let me know what you think!
I also uploaded a video in between posting on here, so if you are nerd enough go and find it. Also gonna be posting other stuff that was lurking around my Twitch onto YouTube, so stay tuned!
If anyone wants to paly paly, let me know, me and nicon playing 24h 7days a week #culan.
Joe aka niSmO aka nnnismo
#follow.VALORANT division
If you're 12 you might enjoy my YouTube channel! Click the link in the journal to access it!
All the best,