ET Frag Movie - Pistols At Dawn


I was bored so put some frags together, no big edits and stuff.

Hope you enjoy :)
Finally, i'm so happy now!
@4.13 - Cześć jego pamięci.
demo + mp3, frags vs low+ max
stolen 23 sec of me life

fu kthxbye
Looks cooooool m8!
sucks we never got the elysium movie made :/

nice frags :)
you make it look easy lol

Yup it sucks, was looking forward to it :/

Geuss we are a little too late, thanks for trying anyway

Thnx mate
demo + mp3, frags vs low+ max
stolen 23 sec of me life

fu kthxbye
Good job, nice frags!
nice frags you big bear hug <3
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