outlAw - viSualized | ET Fragmovie

Hello crossfire,

Made another one now with a movie config. Frags are from 2009-2013.

Hope you enjoy!

nice one ;)
nice movie friend
only got killed once, not impressed.
had some more frags but 3hs got boring, kap. Think we played more vs eachother after 2013
Killed once, better music, 7/10
Why would you post a fragmovie with frags from a time period in which you were banned?
cause I never cheated on gamestv matches, only public as I always stated. If people dont believe that i dont really care lol.
I dont think clanbase games were public games? but also not gtv matches back then
All these frags are from gamestv games to kimi tool. I never record myself :p. It were PB bans from publics, clanbase just watches PB bans. In a official match you get longer penalty than public, anyway who cares after 10 years. Not gonna respond on stuff like this anymore.
. It were PB bans from publics, clanbase just watches PB bans. In a official match you get longer penalty than public, anyway who cares after 10 years.

Not that I care at all but you got banned from 2on2 cb official demo. It was the match vs me and my IRL friend. You wanted my demos accusing me having WH but instead you got banned from using WH in that game. I still have the chat logs in my profile of you two.
busted once again, fuck
nice one old friend
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