OCE Mini Draft Cup #1 - Sunday 8 November

image: JkIXu7G


OCE ET has seen a little activity over the past couple of months and we are looking to run a monthly draft cup starting this Sunday (8 November). While we are still gaining interest from OCE players we would like to open invites up to NA/EU players. Please keep in mind all matches will be played on AU servers (check your moon ping here:

Key Info

Time Convert - https://tinyurl.com/y2cghevs
Date - Sunday 8 November
Start time - 7 PM AEDT (3 PM WA)
Format - 6on6, draft cup, one-day cup
Maplist - adlernest, braundorf_b4, bremen_b3, frostbite, radar, reactor_final, sos_secret_weapon, sp_delivery_te, supply, sw_goldrush_te.


Signups open - Now
Signups close - 6 PM AEDT (3 PM WA)
Draft starts - 7 PM AEDT (4 PM WA)
Brackets published - 7:30 PM AEDT (4:30 PM WA)
Cup starts - 8 PM AEDT (5:00 PM WA)

I will stream the draft and games on twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/biggyyyb).

To sign up, please DM me (biggyyyb#8793 on discord) with your alias.

We already have four captains pre-picked as we are hoping for 4 teams. We will figure things out on the day if it's only two teams (do a BO3 or BO5 etc.) and force subs for extra players.

We will be flexible for sign-ups and some team swapping to keep things balanced and everyone involved.


Australia midas
Australia remedy
Australia im_constructing
Australia pedro

Sign-ups - OCE
Australia subxero
Australia meadow
Australia nosy
Australia chesty
Australia twisted
Australia swerve
Australia covert
Australia pengu
Australia phaze
Australia lisa
Australia stompy
Australia dongo
Australia volta

Sign-ups - NA/EU/OCE (last pick pool)
United States of America vein
Europe mahla
Europe menace
Australia volcano
Australia biggz

Australia darkness
good stuff, hf guys :o)

and nice life vein
thanks guys, scuffed replay https://www.twitch.tv/videos/795870238

congrats team midas! volta mvp.
It was a fun cup, GG to all. Awesome team, top blokes.
Team Kr00k. HIGH+++ !
Vein was a grouse pick, good bloke. Ta for playing ! Sorry for getting to drunk in the last match, let you down we could of taken home the W !
Hands down the worst cup ever hosted
I agree it was definitely not run smoothly at all. The main aim was to get people to show up and have fun. I will get someone else to run the cup logistics and details for the next one as I definitely did not have the time needed to do it properly.

Thanks for playing though, I really appreciate you guys turning up so early in the morning and hope this experience doesn't deter you from playing in our cups again. Next time it will be better organised end to end.
Hands down the worst cup ever hosted
Low skill, couldnt draft :(
Ok I can relax biggz now has a pc set up just in time for rtcw nationscup either to play for us or stream a game to scream at my panzers for aus history vid. Danke
you got it :]
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