New Test Frag Clips

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I'm constructing! aka Hammerkrook

I'm trying too learn how record and edit frag clips with a hope of making a full length frag video in the future, if I can get my hands on old demos from 6-7 years back. Any criticism would be much appreciated!

I really need Sony vegas not windows 10 editor...

Horses v Harakiri (Japan) - CyberGamer ladder match
Test clip

sfa v ubik - CyberGamer ladder match
Test clip

Horses v xFx - CyberGamer ladder match
Test clip

Horses v Harakiri (Japan) - CyberGamer ladder match
Test clip

Pics for the love !
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Learn to edit out middle parts of your frags there is nothing of value there and makes the clip themselves boring, which short clips should never be, specially the parts even you've sped up.

Also try get music to sync up in the future.
Thanks man I really appreciate your advice, I’ll try some different things and put your advice to use! : ]
Good luck buddy!
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