EDIT: Team Chile outload NOT busted

Team Chile player outload was playing on hirntot during one of the lockdowns and raised quiet some eyes. Due to not having enough evidence he wasn't banned at that time. Here is the thread with some nice videos by med1xza making unlagged videos of his demos on hirntot.


Recently he did get permabanned and I asked Cornn (head administrator) why:

4:20 PM c0rnn: he commented under annihil's now deleted hax video on youtube under his real name asking for the settings, that he needs them for NC 2020. when i got aware outload is that guy i banned him. self-bust


EDIT by admin:

Outload: after more research and communication, he wasn't/isn't cheating and he didn't write the comment on Annihil's video. He is a top player in quake live and overwatch, it was actually his overwatch team captain trolling him because he wanted him to focus on overwatch not et at the time. His overwatch team captain made and has access to all their teammates' team gmail accounts (they're not personal name accounts), i and cup admins saw screenshots and even teamviewer session that confirmed it, so i'm unbanning outload (again). It's his high ping mixed with good aim that makes it suspicious.

- c0rnn
I have investigated this case during last years NationsCup and can state that c0rnn came to the wrong verdict
What if i tell you that i got him asking for cheats in a youtube video on his personal youtube account, with his full name. This happened before NC last year and i spoke to Aniki about it. Coincidence? I dont think so. I still have the conversation and the youtube video, although the video is down but still got the link
I just want to ask you to be careful when you are accusing someone of wrongdoing. You're doing damage to a persons name. If I may ask you, how do you know it's his full name in the first place?
Names provided by their team, first and last name. The name is the exactly same name as the account asking for the cheats on the youtube video. I don't think this is a coincidence, ET community does not have that much players to have 2 guys with the same first and last name. The only problem is the owner of that video is shutting down his sites and youtube channel but if someone can reach him would be easier to check it out.
As previously mentioned , I looked into it. I was the first one to find out about the video and hence we figured out the name which corresponds to that player. I also want to clarify that the name corresponds to the player, we don't need to double check that.

When you find a clue, you take the time try to connect the dots. Not the other way around, because if you do so you have the opportunity to make false accusations.
How do you even know that you were the first? Besides what's the point of arguing with someone that is friend of yours? You can't be impartial, why would a guy ask for cheats since we both agree it was actually him, wanna answer me that? The funny argument of outloud saying it was his friends from Valorant makes it even more funny. I can't be for sure is he's cheating like you can't prove shit that is not cheating so don't come with that polite conversation, it sucks.
I asked you in a polite way to stop making assumptions, you continued, hence it's best for us to stop the discussion here.
You should check the conversation again cause i haven't made a single accusation besides telling you that i'm sure he was the guy asking for cheats on the youtube video
So outload decided to use his full name on a YouTube video and straight up ask for an aimbot. That is evidence that it is outload confirmed?
haven't seen this video/comment, but I can tell you that things like that can happen :D after I linked my yt account with gmail account (or so called google account), it automatically changed my yt name to my name and surnam as I was using it for my official email addres, even though I had different nickname on yt before. So I was posting few months (or even years) signed with my real name and surname under yt videos without even noticing it, just found out like last year or smth. not saying this might be the case here, but well things like that are possible
Still, I doubt he would be that dumb
well i wouldnt say that. may i remind you on the villa selfbust? :D

But you are right ofc. if this is the evidence, its not enough
Noway near enough, many ranked players state publicly they have cheats on their harddrive (lan players even)
ahahah :_D
omg 2020/2021 and still....
if the video is the only evidence ... i dont think that is enough tbh ^^
probably not cheating
I agree, I played him last week and he isn’t cheating IMO.
I made the videos to help the admins understand what the antilag does, not as an accusation ;)
cheating in ET 2020/21, wtf?:D
Doesn’t matter if he is cheating cause he should feel embarrassed to cheat for being a skill people naturally can be.

I didn't find anything suspicious to be honest.
Outload: after more research and communication, he wasn't/isn't cheating and he didn't write the comment on Annihil's video. He is a top player in quake live and overwatch, it was actually his overwatch team captain trolling him because he wanted him to focus on overwatch not et at the time. His overwatch team captain made and has access to all their teammates' team gmail accounts (they're not personal name accounts), i and cup admins saw screenshots and even teamviewer session that confirmed it, so i'm unbanning outload (again). It's his high ping mixed with good aim that makes it suspicious.

- c0rnn
are you gonna drop the 1 year old vendetta? Was a fun read at hirntot forum...
Vendetta is een groot woord. Ik heb die gast nog verdedigd omdat er niet genoeg bewijs was. Dan lees ik dat hij uiteindelijk geband is mét bewijs met daaropvolgend de emotionele rollercoaster die deze draad is.

Ach soit, e-drama = e-drama
10/10 plot twist

tarantino approves
I have been following this thrilling drama filled bust scenario also
QuoteHe is a top player in quake live and overwatch

link to duels vs rapha,cooler or av3k ?
pan juz nie pije
Słyszałem ze dostałeś powołanie do "dot" na mecz z mongols.
I to jest super wiadomość;)
i need cheat for warzone
Isnt it included in the game? Most game nowdays have built in aim assist, just have to play with controller :D
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