#weekendmix doesnt exist anymore on quakenet

havent checked in ages. But the 20 times i checked before someone was always idling , but now its empty. what happened. Is anyone even here who knows what i am talking about?
people play mixes on discord now https://discord.gg/6EyxPv2
this discord which has mods who are banning for nothing ? cool. Nice killing et on the old years
I think Cookiemonster has a group for weekend mix
Pm her on the discord above
ofc i can remember :) ..but sadly noone of these guys are active anymore. Sometimes i play with slo players Illy-ya Superboyy and Jakazc and others... on discord i saw few times Ronner and Leonneke.
JaKaZc still playing ?
well he does not play a lot.. when he plays is mainly internal with superboyy illy-ya and old purans mates :)
The good old times :)
i do have really good memories. weekendmix was awesome
#weekendmix was fun times!
Not really in contact with most of em anymore.
I play more RTCW than ET these days..... If I ever get to play with 3 kids running around ^_^
Oh, 3? Congratulations?' how old are they? B or g`? My son is 13 and almost taller than I am. So, basically, an adult and I will be free again soon. Just have to get rid of my current girlfriend as well #xD Lost my Job recently, though. That's why ET will be played here soon. Just had to order a decent mouse and soon grand reopening of #weekendmix. pedal
Pretty sure the whole scene while rise from the ashes LIKE THE SHINING PHOENIX IT ONCE WAS:
I HOPE LEAST ONE GUY WHO LOVED THE TIMES IS NOW A BILLIONAIRE AND IS READY TO INVEST in ET2 and salaries for everyone who has to work and provide now. And for tournaments and for gunslingers and SS Rostov and angel dust and junk52 and one4one and for team helix and dignitas and plan b and raziel iratus and for idle.ee and for silly_ctf and 1on1 mico and CLANBASE AND EUROCUP (no israel wont be allowed.) and for QUAKENET BITCOIN GIVE AWAYS. DAMN THESE EDIBLES ARE FUCKING AMAZING
i cannot recall writing that XD
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