
So its Halloween, and I really was not feeling in the mood, I'm generally not a Halloween person, I think its more of begging, knocking on someones door asking for sweets! If I had the money I would be spending it on something else, not sweets for cheap pikes!

However! We're going to a big halloween party at a local club, and therefore I decided my monday-friday face was not scary enough and I have created the ultimate outfit!

Oh yes, DiscoStu is ready to rock, I have just borrowed a sweet ass blazer and I have a super wig along with other pieces, i.e. a brightly coloured plain T-shirt so tonight Matthew, I will be DISCOSTU, Putting the Disco back into DiscoStu!!

My friends are making a big effort on their costumes so I decided I had to look like a fool too.

What about you guys, Anyone dressing up like an idiot like me? :D

(Yeah I'll have some pictures)