Planetwolfenstein awards

* Best Enemy Territory Film of 2005: Who Cares by dAF & Zorn

* Added Enemy Territory Props To: mAx Chapter 2 (ET) by mAx

* Best Return to Castle Wolfenstein Film of 2005: Eurocup X RtCW Movie by Insomnia studios

* Added Return to Castle Wolfenstein Props To: Violent Reflection (RtCW) by dirrty & pheex

* Best Actor in a Wolfenstein Motion Picture: Britney Spears (RtCW) by Britney Spears

* Best Wolfenstein Movie Trailer: R3 ET Clan Trailer by Smireboule (?) [GG67 & Belegorod]

* Biggest Wolfenstein Stinker of 2005: Diversion (ET/Q3) by riv0

* Best Wolfenstein Movie Soundtrack: Lost (ET) a dnp production

* Best Wolfenstein Movie Intro: Remember (RTCW) by cookie

* Creepiest Wolfenstein Movie Ending: Let Me Touch The Sky (ET) by Klass

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