Adsl max in Belgium

Soon in Belgium we can have the ADSL 2+ (Scarlet) and VDSL (Belgacom).

But before (24 jan) adsl max on EDPnet !

ADSL Max6 Dyn
· Download : 6144 kbps max.
· Upload : 640 kbps max.
· 20 Go quotas after
€0,25Go per Go used max = 60 Go but you can have 100 Go on demand.
. activation: €25 (TVA incl.)
Per month: €29,95 (TVA incl.)

In 4-6 month Adsl 2+ on EDPnet :

In the first quarter of 2006 EDPnet starts with ADSL2+ in Belgium !
ADSL2+ is the next step in the ADSL history. It offers you a download speed of up to 24 Mbps, and an even more stable connection.

The maximum download speed depends on the distance between your home/telephone connection and the local telephone exchange and the quality of the cables in your house.

At first big cities can take advantage of ADSL2+. At the end of 2006 a coverage of 75% is estimated.

ADSL2+ distance/download speed

The maximum download speed depends on the quality of your line, AND the distance between your home/telephone connection and the local telephone exchange.

Below you can find a summary of the maximum speed that's possible:

Distance Download speed
0,7 KM 24 Mbps
1,2 KM 22 Mbps
1,6 KM 20 Mbps
1,9 KM 18 Mbps
2,1 KM 16 Mbps
2,3 KM 14 Mbps
2,5 KM 12 Mbps
2,7 KM 10 Mbps
3,1 KM 8 Mbps
3,4 KM 6 Mbps
3,9 KM 4 Mbps
4,7 KM 2 Mbps
5,3 KM 1 Mbps
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