Free ETTV=lag ETTV?

The last couple of wars I've seen on ETTV were all very laggy. And I mean very laggy, so laggy that it was making me natious. And this made me wonder, now that ETTV on Demand is developing, I'm afraid to what that might do to Free ETTV. I know you lads said that you will still continue to create a better Free ETTV, but nevertheless I see some issues.
Let's say you have 2 servers available for ETTV. Normally the best of the servers will be used for ETTV on Demand, and the worst one for Free ETTV, cause after all the ones who payed for it want to see some good stuff. This will generally lead to a degrading of the quality of Free ETTV servers and therefore more lag on normal and free ETTV. And that thought worries me. Am I way off line here, or am I correct?
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