The vindictive truth... Part 2.

As posted earlier on this week, vindicated have come to conquer the European ET scene. After an embarrasing loss to intellic in the qualifiers of the ET-Cup we decided to look over our roster. So the long winded departure of several people named Bezki and the quick decisive removal of coNfo from the main lineup. We decided to take out the people that never played aswell.. (Option Meez Bah) So this left us with a base team of Nev AzA Mztik Mize.... Shortly afterwards we welcomed the swedish hotshot Eddie to the team and a linguistically challenged german by the name of humM3L.. So now with a base team of 6 but with the problem of 1 person always being afk for some reason of another.. We decided to take in another friendly face in the form of "I am quiting ET" Fuchs.

The lineup as it stands;

United Kingdom Nev
United Kingdom Mztik
Netherlands AzA
Netherlands Mize
Sweden Eddie
Sweden Fuchs
Russia HumM3L

Wish us luck and #VINDICATED.ET
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