Help with graphics n stuff

Ok i've been having this prob for a while, i know a few others who have it so need help fixing :) .

Basically when i shoot someone they sorta lag, but it isn't net lag its graphics lag, as though the frames are being drawn to fast or to slow. Like say i shoot an MG i fire two bullets and they are delayed in when i know they hit (the hitsound). Also the whitish smoke which u see when your shooting someone appears in mid-air nowhere near the models were i'm apparently hitting.

To fix i have to try huge varieties of fps/maxpackets and vsync shit, if i'm lucky i'll find the right numbers then can hit but suddenly next day i can't hit again. So what i'm asking for is a little advice on what i should set maxfps/maxpackets etc on in order to get hit reg. This happens on ALL servers so its nothing to do with net lag as a few cfg tweaks fix it but i can't get it right.

I've tried vsync on in nvidia drivers with 0/1/2/3 pre-render frame things but makes it worst or the mouse just lags completely.. I cap my fps to refresh rate and maxpackets the same but still nothing, also i have r_Displayrefresh on my refresh rate but that sometimes makes it worst. I've tried r_swapinterval but that again sometimes helps sometimes makes it worst depends what day it is :X

One more thing i've tried is r_finish which usually depending on the combination of fps/maxpackets will help or make worst but i cant get it perfect.

BTW im using MX518 at 500hz and i have a LCD monitor which can do refresh rates 60/72/75.

Thx for any help <3
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