WoW Says No to Gay Guilds

Finaly ...

QuoteJanuary 27, 2006 - Slashdot is reporting the story of a World of Warcraft player who received a warning for attempting to recruit for a LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual) guild.

Initially the player received a “harassment” warning, but this was later downgraded. Blizzard’s point of view seems to be that recruitment speech for a gay guild would not in itself constitute sexual harassment, but might incite sexual harassment.

Slashdot quotes Blizzard’s response to the user: “… we do feel that the advertisement of a GLBT friendly guild is very likely to result in harassment for players that may not have existed otherwise…. [it may] incite certain responses in other players that will allow for discussion that we feel has no place in our game.'


Ripped off straight off GGL. Reminds me of how nice a job Cash & Carmac are doing at CB & GGL. Some nice articles being published by them lately on both sites =]

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