Hello from Korea


Now in Seoul, South Korea. It is extremely cold here, make no doubt the BBC weather forcast was extremely wrong, instead of 10 C its -10 C and london seems like a tropical paradise!

Either way, the babes are incredible, almost Singapore quality! Eitherway, the event is in the mall just outside our hotel, so its not too far. Korean malls are super advanced, and there are a tonne of mini people roaming the mall. They call them children, however these mini people are too small, about the size of my shoe and all have matching shell suits and puffer jackets, its like being in liverpool!

They have these clubs over here called Booking Clubs, you pay like 100 USD to get in, and they just bring girls over to your table, whenever the seat next to you is free, they just bring over a new girl. Sounds like a hoot, wont get to go until Friday I think.

Mr. djWHEAT is attempting to hook us up with some of the girls, he met here when he was last here for WCG 2002 and 3, we'll see how that goes. Personally I just wanna stuff my face right now with a huge pizza, however the chances of that are slim and ill probably end up eating rice and leaving some dead animal on the side.

Have a good week!
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