Time to end..

I know that some of u guys will probably say its useless to write another journal about this subject, but i feel that since I was the one who wrote the last journal about Europe x86 clan, I should allso end this now.. cause there has been both wrong statements, and right ones...

its important to know what is right and what is wrong. many has probably allready read all comments in last journal, but for those who hasnt read it all, but only got the idea that Europe x86 is a clan of cheaters, I would like to tell u how this really is, now that I understand the hole thing.

I said bye bye x86, in my last journal, and I would like to say sorry for that. Cause there isnt any reason to say bye bye to the clan, that I am sure will rise up again, with new players.

My good friend yancho, has told me how Ten is as manager and player, and I belive very well that Ten is not a guy supporting cheats. The same is for Tox. Both players is nice guys who wouldnt cheat, or wouldnt support cheat.

Still i must say to you Ten, that you really has to do something different in the future, since 4 players linked to you clan is either suspected of cheating, or has been caught allready... and this is NOT NORMAL...

Now it is important to state this: Wizz who recently got busted, was kicked from x86 cause he wasnt good enough, and its hard to belive he cheated at that time. Die and ooo (allso known as Pepper and ...maybe AlexL??) was only trials in the clan, and does not have any future left in x86.

The only one remaining in x86 of the guys thats either been busted or suspected cheating is jnz.. I still say i belive he is cheating, and I will still gather more demos to make sure I can show the rest of the scene that im right, and that the others who suspect him is allso right.. But he is allso the only one we actually can link directly to x86.

Other clans have had cheaters experiences, where they first defends their member, as Ten is doing now, i would probably defend my members to, untill I saw it with my own eyes what would 100% sure be cheating. And im pretty sure that whenever we can proove jnz cheats,even more then allready been showed) he will be out of x86 the second after.

So, again. This im saying to make sure noone has understood things wrongly. And I allso say sorry for not getting all the info about ooo and die before wroting last journal where i kinda killed x86... they where only trials..not members.

Its gonna be interesting to see what happends in x86 the next few days, to see if jnz will stay.. we allready know that ooo and die is out, and that wizz probably never cheated while playing for them.. I wish Ten good luck in getting x86 up from the mud they, and theire trials, have put them self in, and hopefully, you will get your eyes up about jnz aswell.

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