Shattering news for all the 5095 xfire members

Hello there fellow xfire reader,

Today I'm a sad panda. My pc is broken, once again! It all started two months ago.

30/07 Today I had an arguement with my dad. He was so angry at me he trew my pc out of my room (no, he didnt take time to disconnect the keyboard and stuff). I cried some tears when i saw my pc shattered apart. Luckily the case took most of the damage, leaving me with a shattered case, a molested HD but all other components untouched. GG's crappy casing. I think if it werent made out of plastic i could have bought myself a new PC.

image: pc

About two weeks ago, my vid card started making alot of noise. Luckily, most parts are easily accesible so i just tinkered abit and the sound went away, only to return abit later. The cooler survived for another week, then one day just refused to work, even after I spinned her up she staid dead. It was a rainy sunday back then, so I had to find a solution all by myself. I had some old nvidea's lying around, tried their cooler, but ofc they wouldnt match. Then I found this car ventilator on batteries. With some tape I carefully taped it onto my case.

image: cooler

image: cooler2

image: cooler3

After some hours the batteries go low, and my pc usualy crashes. While rebooting I have to go prone and change batteries. Then I'm set to go for another day. I discoverd rechargable batteries two days ago, they rockzor! Too bad I can't overclock with them, so I'm not realy sure on what to use...

image: battery

Well, genoeg gejankt.
If you happen to live in Antwerp and have a broken ATI card with a spare cooler: Let me know.

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