back from teh cluubb!

yay, i am back from teh clubbb! ... oh rly? ... ya rly!

A question ... you are out with your girl, and you are leaving the club when 3 chav looking girls come over and start giving your girl loads of shit. The fattest of the 3 even makes a drunken mis-swing at her. What do you do?

An off duty police guy came over and sorted it out, but if he wasnt there i have no idea what i was supposed to do. Am I seriously supposed to knock out three 17-18 year old girls (which is a lot younger than me btw) in the street outside a club?

Now I am not one to get into fights, so this was a serious dilema for me. I would never let someone attack my girl in front of me, but having to explain to the cops why there were 3 unconcious teenage girls lying on the street bleeding was just not a situation i wanted to be in.

Please, i ask the people of xfire ... what would you have done?

EDIT: nigga pls ... lol
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