Revive RtCW ?

This is pretty old but

I have been wondering few years now why did the global RtCW scene is allmost dead now days it's more 'serious pr0-gamers and a few official cup'
Public gaming is pretty dead and there's only a few public server left in europe.

When i started to play RtCW:ET after playing a few year RtCW my thought were ' Is this game better then RtCW itself ?' But after couple month i thought diffrently. I do like this game alot. Mainly becouse it's wolfenstein and it's bit like the good old RtCW, thanks to ETPRO.

Offcourse there's a few 'good old' RtCW clans in RtCW:ET scene but they mostly dead, inactive or just retired players.

like. Finland GunSlingers.

fortunately there a few 'comeback' but are they just another '2 weeks' clan

like. Sweden Noll8

noll8 is back in action !

So my question is. How many could start playing RtCW again ?

Edit: Here's some random flag to make this real journal. Finland Sweden Benelux Estonia England Luxembourg Europe

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