ping Oo

i noticed some weired shit (i always wanted to write like a 'gangsta' xD)

my first dsl provider was '1und1' - ping = ~98ms

second provider was 'avego' (dsl by call since i got some probs.) - ping = ~70ms

third and yet last provider is 'strato' - ping = 51-56ms

all with NO fastpath/dsl 1000 on german servers - and all of them are just t-online resellers, so its running over the same cables :s

someone has still the same '1und1' service that i had - and his ping was always (also when i had this 98ms) ~70ms (he still got that ping)

so i wonder what could be the reason for that^^

btw. my downstream also improved from 124kb/s up to 133kb/s with strato
kinda weird imo^^
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