Some questions

Hi dear readers,

As the title says I got a few questions to ask you guys.
First a question for myself. I.m going to buy a new gfx card but i don't know which one to take.

I want to spend around the 200 euro's more or less.

My current specs:

AMD 64 3400
Asus something mobo ( AGP! )
1024mb pc3200
Sapphire 9600 pro

Please give me some advice :>

Now, I got another question but this is for a colleague of mine. He talked to me about a problem he has with his Windows XP pro. Usually if he double clicks on a folder, the folder opens. For some reason he double clicks and it opens the search screen. If he right clicks once on a folder the first option in the menu is "SEARCH" instead of "OPEN". Does anyone have a clue what he can do about this?? He want's to double click and open the folder :D

Thnx in advance guys!!
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