Spike cs manager+pedofile

George “Spike” Finley, 52, a manager for a top American video gaming team, has been arrested following accusations that he solicited nude pictures from minors. He was arrested just before 6 pm on Thursday, after police from London, Canada say he violated the terms of his probation. Part of his June arrest was that he was not to have contact with anyone younger than 14 following his release from prison.In a series of recorded conversations, Finley, former manager for the Counterstrike team Green Berets(GB), allegedly engages in an series of thinly veiled requests for nude pictures with an under-aged boy.

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Using his position at Green Berets, Finley was able to recruit young boys, from ages 10 to 13, to help "manage" GB. He then told these minors to lie about their age to the rest of the organization and its leader, James O’Connor, 24. From there, Finley is accused of attempting to solicit nude pictures of them over a voice chat program known as Ventrilo. He allegedly used promises of computer hardware and positions of leadership with GB to get these children to take photos of their genitals for him.

Upon refusing Finley’s requests, these boys were fired. Allegedly, he used his position at Green Berets to tell O’Connor that these boys were lazy and were fired for this reason. When they would later complain to O’Connor, he thought they were just upset with being fired and were lashing out at Finley. Ventrilo allowed Finley to hide his alleged tracks as there were no records of his conversations. It then became Finley’s word against that of a young boy who "lied" to O’Connor and GB about his age.

“Those children would come to me with crazy accusations such as ‘Spike offered me $5000 for naked pictures,’” said O’Connor. “We knew George was poor, so this seemed far fetched. George went on to tell us that this person was just making up the meanest things possible to get back at him for being removed from the team. This whole thing, about George possibly being a pedophile who likes children of the same sex, seemed almost inconceivable. I didn't believe it at first.”

However, after a string of these incidents, O’Connor suggested that one of these boys record his conversations with Finley. The result is several incriminating audio files. Following the creation of these recordings, GB released Finley. Scott "Rocky" Epstein, 39, GB's coach and financier, then reported the incident to the Canadian police.

“Similar situations kept occurring every other month or so for about 4 months,” said O’Connor. “I then had [Epstein] report [Finley] to the police. I would ask these children for logs of IRC chat and they would always say that they never had any. George was careful to only talk about his perversions on Ventrillo.”

Apparently this is not the first time Finley has had a brush with the law. According to the London Free Press, in 1998 Finley was “convicted of two sex crimes involving a 13 year old boy” and in June of 2005, Finley was sentenced to four months jail time and one year of probation after he was convicted on one count of possession of child pornography. Cloaked in the anonymity of the internet, he explained his most recent jail time away by saying he was in a car accident and was in the hospital.

“George's room mate called me and said that Finley got into a bad car wreck on the way to the hospital,” said O’Connor. “He was supposedly going to go visit his mom because she was sick with cancer, and only had a few weeks left.”

If anyone out there is in or knows of someone in a similar circumstance please contact the authorities. Under-age children cannot consent. Parents, please monitor what your children do on the internet.

Big thanks to Patrick Maloney from the London Free Press for help with this story.


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I am shocked, seriously this guy is a monster !
Frankly, he plays counter strike, it is fucking horrible..
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