ITB Berlin, ghosts, nasty car crash...

So here i am, back from ITB Berlin... I've been there first time and all what i can say: really nice city, lot of german cars ;d (merc & BMW) , clean streets tbh ;) Potsdam Platz owns :D
but here i got shocked also :> lot of pick pocketers here @ night... and turkey aggresive guys, been bombed by them 2 times, lucky me that i wasnt alone :D
Another thing i got really scared, we were in Forlmule 1 Arcor hotels, they are cheap and quite ok imho .... BUT
ghosts in there, while watching some tv @ night we saw a girl which was almost exactly the same as mine friend. So i took fotos of TV :D ( photos taken by sony ericsson K700i VGA camera so they r rather poor size)
here are these photos: 1st one is just totally sick, there should be action of the movie, than light-blue screen,
2nd one: look @ girls hair !!!! photo is also freak... i took it in other room couse noone belived me. After this photos almost every1 from my class was shocked, frightened ( we were drunk and stoned a bit also ;p )

Same day we were on our way to home, near German border some nastly car crash happen just in front of our bus ... some TIR lorry went on our roadlane and crashed onto some renault car... lorry got crushed engine, front wheels were broken. Renault car was 1 meter long :o like a rectangular closed box ... car was in a forest (really, LaL!) 15 meters away from lorry, impact was soooooo huuuge :< firefighters went to car to rescue victim but after few secs taken on car they went back... impact was so huge that guy almost disapeared ...

300 meters we saw another car crash but without victims ...
all what i can say: massacre .... :<
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