BNC probs

Hey all,

maybe someone here might be able to help with my bnc probs.

I run a small bnc (5conns/no trust) on a debian-linux machine. For some days now, any user trying to connect to qnet via the bnc gets the message "You are infected with a trojan, please clean your PC (ID: 160)." and then "Closing Link: *** by *** (G-lined)".

The problem must be on the bnc host, since i have no problem to connect to qnet dircectly from my pc.

I checked the machine, ran chkrootkit / rkhunter, checked for any suspicious open ports via netstat / lsof, did a portscan but nothing malicious was found. Also no proxy is running on that machine which could lead to the gline.

Neither my search on google nor on the qnet website revealed any information what exactly the problem is, i'm really clueless :S

Anyone any ideas? thx in advance!
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