
This is my 1000000st journal about gfx cards I guess.
Now I got the money and I want to buy a new one.

I got around 250 / 300 euro's more or less to spend, I just dont want to pay 500 euro's for a new card. Yes, it can go up to 300 or so.

Well.. I have seen a lot of reviews and now I'm getting more and more confused. So many cards available :x

These are some options:





So what's the best I could do?? No it's not really for ET or something. I just want to play some of the newer games on a nice level of detail. I currently own a Sapphire 9600 pro so it's easy to improve :>

For example, is it wise to buy the more expensive 7800GS instead of the 6800 Ultra?? Cause when I'm looking at the reviews the results aint that different. Im lost here guys, plz help me out :>

Thanks in advance.



Current Specs:

AMD 64 3400+
Some asus mobo
1gb pc3200
Sapphire 9600 pro

And yes, AGP! no pci-e :<


The url's suck. Some commands to fix it?? :>
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