
Yesterday, Outraged played in the Fast-gaming-cup, and in the semi-finals, we faced the new uQ-lineup.

The map was Adlernest, and Outraged started defending.
It didnt take long time before uQ won, after they stackjumped up on the roof to fix cp. After the game, OutRaged tried to tell everyone that this was a bug, that this shouldnt be possible to do, and that uQ allso should know this and therefor it was forfeit win regarding the rules about bug abuse.

uQ-ati was one of the guys stating most comments to us about this, how this was legal, of corse it was legal...

some random stupid comments was:
Ziffer on 19/03/06, 18:40 (Msg, Reply)
pathatic outraged... spending your whole afternoon whining about this and didnt came any further with it. ggs anyway


Now, to all who just couldnt see this, who just didnt have the brain to see how this so called "trick-jump" shouldnt be possible to do, and therefor was a bug abuse. To all those who aint smart enough to see how this would ruin the game.. I surely hope u now will see that this is a bug abuse, and will not be allowed in further match.. (poor uQ.. how can they survive..)

btw: im not saying im uber-smart, im just saying im not as stupid as some of u guys out there=)
Dersaidin on 20/03/06, 8:19 (Msg, Reply)

I'm not sure exactly where your talking about.
Allies should only be able to gain access by:
a) blowing the door controls
b) going through axis spawn
c) getting a uniform.

No one should be able to get onto the roof.
Dersaidin on 20/03/06, 8:19 (Msg, Reply)
I'm watching a demo now...
Dersaidin on 20/03/06, 8:24 (Msg, Reply)

Live with it for a month or so, then I'll cure that when it goes final.

I checked that boost when I added the light, but didnt realise when I added the banner :(
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