Slowly Dieing

Today it became very apparent that I have contracted Sars and or bird flu, and that I dont have long left to whine.


Runny Nose
Stomach Ache
Sore Throat
Much coughing and sneezing
Bad spelling

However, despite dieing I hauled myself into uni to give a presentation that was being asessed, yes just my luck that whilst dieing I have to give a presentation. Well guess what, the bloody teacher is sick too. He better have something worse than sars or hes gonna wish had when I next see him.

So after being up working and chatting up nellie until early hours of this morning, I somehow through the miracle of diet coke have made it this far.

I have however bought 3 Sars fighting placebo's:
Lucozade - The ultimate cure!
Chicken Soup - Nothing is better than chicken soup?
Lemsip Max Strength - mum said so

I might just live a little longer with the combined power of the above, which is great I have assignments to hand in on Tuesday and Friday so maybe if i'm alive i can complete them :(

If you wish to contribute to some flowers or towards some "get well pringles" you are free to do so, I will give you my paypal account.

Good bye :(

Bird Flu photo courtesy of AK

image: bird-flu
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