Config Builder discontinued

From April 4th on, my Config Builder will no longer be available.

The main reason for this, is the terrible quality of the company hosting it. In the past year, the company who used to used it merged into another, becoming IN Hosting.

Although I never had any problems during the four years with the 'old' company, I had nothing but troubles the past year: all in all, the site was down for over a month, without notice, my control panel was removed and the hosting fee was raised. Atm, I haven't even access to the ftp-server, and I'm tired of sending mails asking to fix their server configuration, so I decided to discontinue my account.

As a result, my Config Builder will no longer be available after April 4th. As I'm not planning to relocate it, I decided to clean up its code and released it, so anyone willing to can host it.
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