The shocking truth about butchji

I hate to break it to you guys, but he is... not a cheat.

When I installed the game again two days ago and checked what I missed, one of the first things I learned was that butch still plays and that he got a decent computer now and more time in the evenings. So it came as absolutely no surprise to me that he's playing in the german NT now and while I'm mildly amused about his new status as ET popstar, it didn't exactly surprise me either. ;-)

There probably aren't many people who have played with him as early and long as I did. It began around four years ago (he must have been 14 or 15 years old) with Q3 Urban Terror. He always had a lot of skill (and wasn't an annoying brat like pretty much every other 14 year old gamer). At some point (quite a bit earlier than me), he started to get addicted to ET and played it almost non-stop. That must have been around three years ago. When I started to play ET as well, we soon played in the same team again (anyone remember "die nixblicka"? :-)). However, most of the time he wasn't allowed to play in the evening and his computer was a piece of junk anyway, so he mostly stuck to playing publics and gathers. Meanwhile I went inactive for a while as well, since it just wasn't fun with my crap computer (which still was faster than his has been until a while ago!).

I don't remember the exact details of that time, but at some point when I got a new computer, I started playing seriously again and soon the "oO" (later third-level, etc) team was founded and butch was more or less forced to participate because he rocked so much ;-) although we knew it would be problematic with his time limits. Later he followed me to the beta team (shortly known as Substance) where he was probably the best aimer in the team already whenever the map wouldn't drag his FPS down to 20 or so. :-) But he still wasn't able to play regularly in the evenings. He also played a lot of 1on1, where hardly anyone was able to take him on.

So what I'm trying to say is, that butch is anything but a no-name who just appeared out of nothing. Whenever I played with him, I have seen him do hardly anything but play and work on his aim all day. I've seen him progress from a skilled player to an almost frustratingly strong player over the years. It is simply impossible to play as much as he did and not become a top player, cheat or not. :-)

So much for the introduction... I was showed the replay of germany vs. norway on goldrush and watched it expecting to see some very questionable situations or even to realize that I was tricked for many years. :-) But to my surprise, I saw nothing suspicious at all. Now I'm obviously biased and I don't expect you to believe me when I say that I kept an open mind about this, but I need to say it anyway. I have seen a lot of suspicious situations before (in fact, I have seen more sispicious situations in my own replays) and I'd claim to know a bit or two about how to spot a hack.

I will not comment on individual situations, since I can't even begin to figure out what you guys could be thinking of, but I will mention some general points. First of all, when I watched the replay I tried to anticipate what he would be doing next and in no situation did his actual action surprise me. For example in the first scene of this weird final.wmv movie, I clearly heard the opponent while watching the replay and it was absolutely obvious to me where he would be. So butch strafed around the corner, crosshair on head-height and pressed the trigger at the moment the shape appeared on the screen. Most situations in the replay are of a similar kind and there is absolutely nothing remarkable about it (aside from his precision).

Instead of commenting on what people perceive to be "fishy", let me comment instead on what makes it very hard to believe that any kind of foulplay was involved.

1) Reactiontime: Whenever butch meets an opponent he didn't expect, his reactiontime is not instant but very human-like (about a quarter second). If you've seen a real wallhacker in action (or used one yourself), you probably noticed that they tend to shoot at the exact same moment the opponent appears on their screen. This doesn't happen during the replay at all. So if he'd be hiding a hack, it would require the amazing discipline to always wait the exactly right split second before he starts to shoot (but still early enough, so he maintains the advantage!). I just find it hard to believe that any human being would be able to pull this off consistently and it would be at least as impressive as his actual aiming skill. ;-)

2) It is obvious that he is "in the zone" while playing, that is he reacts to targets that pop up on his screen almost subconciously. He never hesitates for one moment. If you ever used a wallhack (I didn't, but I played around with r_shownormals when a bug in Q3 allowed you to enable it on cheat protected servers...), then you should know how darn hard it is to not accidentally react to a target that you shouldn't be allowed to see. Since this never happened to him once in the replay, it would be another extremely impressive feat. ;-)

3) He completely overlooks the semi-hidden panzer in the courtyard (I overlooked it as well while watching the replay). If he had any kind of wallhack active, there is just no way he could have overlooked him (and since he was partly visible, there is no reason why he should have "faked" it).

You also might ask why a cheater would be as happy to share his replays as butch has always been. That doesn't really fit into the picture. :-)

So, this definitely was more text than these accusations deserve, but I actually kinda enjoyed this small journey into the past. Some people will always keep believing that players who do things they can't comprehend aren't playing fair, but I hope that I could put the minds of some of you at ease. Can I prove that butch isn't using a wallhack? No, I obviously cannot and nobody ever can until he attends a big LAN event. But all evidence suggests that he isn't and I'm sure you'll agree with me that he'd be doing a remarkable job at hiding it if he had been cheating for all these years...

That is all, I do not expect many people to read up to this line anyway. :-)

BTW, is there a possibility to change my email address? I do not use the one listed in my profile anymore, my new address is daniel dot borgmann at gmail dot com.
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