Oblivion changed my life

Dear diary,

Since two days I've been exploring the world of Oblivion. After I escaped from prison, I started to explore the world of Oblivion.


I started out as a Dark Elf - Thief. A sneaky and fast avatar whom is also an excellent marksmen. After an hour or so I was jumping around the jungle, quake style movement, double jumps included.

I stumbled into some rogues. Hitboxes were ok, maybe arrowspeed could be increased a lil' ;) After I kill one of them on the hill, the dead guy starts rolling down the hill, arrows sticking outa his body.

Next I go to some town and notice a magical dagger. Ofc some dude is guarding it :< I take my bow and start shooting at the dagger. It drops onto the ground. Next I start kicking it a bit, untill its out of the sight.

Its been a while since a good game was released, but Oblivion certainly is a match. You get the choice to have fancy graphix or tune them down and run it on a crappy pc. About every irritating thing from Morrowind was changed, and lots of features were added.

Ok, its a single player but thats its greatest advantage. No need to rush or get raped by lvl 40 dudes over and over again. And the atmosphere and gameplay are just ... awesome


United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom

Screenshots: http://images.google.be/images?hl=nl&q=oblivion%20screenshots&sa=N&tab=wi
Review: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/theelderscrollsivoblivion/review.html

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