who wants EC ?

Germany oceans6,
Germany one4one
Estonia dust.ee
Estonia faith.et
Estonia kujuneb
Estonia pussyhunters - OC
Estonia sYnc
Spain nAwage
Spain parabellum
Finland stfu
Finland Clancobrafin
Finland glow
Finland overload
Finland kff
France nanosense
France reality
Croatia elite
Israel elementals
Netherlands HP
Italy VgS
Norway razer
Poland fbi
Poland sT
Poland FF
Poland pride
Poland savak
Poland wow
Poland yankee
Sweden disposable
United Kingdom suck my ping
Europe xtrazone
Europe #retro4u.de
Europe angelDust
Europe delite6
Europe drift/dream
Europe sexus
Europe reloaded
Europe pain2ppl
Europe kojak
Europe hb
Europe epikur
Europe executive

does any of them deserve for EC? i dont think so...
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