
Instead of the extremely vague low/med/high (of which basically only low+, med and med+ are ever used), why don't we use an alpha - juliet ;) range as in warleagues. This way it would be a lot easier to understand what we have in mind, especially since we could compare our ability with those teams playing in the respective groups. Just a thought.

In other news, as expected I couldn't resist and am now playing ET for real again (hopefully I'll be able to limit it to the evenings :D). Together with another Linux user (famous) I'm currently assembling a new lineup in #rev.2. This won't be a l33t team anytime soon, but I'll try to make good use of my talent-scout abilities to form a team that doesn't just have potential to become very strong, but also is a lot of fun to play and improve with. Only four members are fixed yet, so if that sounds potentially interesting to you and you are around alpha-charlie skilled ;) please drop by in #rev.2 and just play some pracs with us (I'm dborg on IRC). Might write a real recruitment post later.
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