Cause I'm leaving, ON A JET PLANE!

Thats right, tommorow morning I leave for Singapore!

These past 2 days have been really cool, being back home in London and seeing friends/familys/shops etc, I've been gone for 8 weeks from home and yet it feels like a lifetime!

Oh well I'll be gone for another 8 days as tommorow iTG sets sail for Singapore and the world cyber games grand finals, and I cannot wait! Gaming out east is phenominal, in Korea they are currently building the worlds first gaming stadium, quite what that means I do not know, however Singapore although no Korea has a large gaming fanbase for such a small place.

Additionally this is WCG, WCG is simply the greatest event in the gaming calender, everything is on time and well admined, they have everything nailed down as far as this event goes. Dont be fooled by the hype of other events, this is THE no. 1 event in the world, the grand finals team are specialists and boy do they put on a show!

Cant wait, although an 18 hour flight with a nice stop off in Bahrain is perhaps not ideal! However I'm counting down the minutes :D


P.S. I went shopping today to try to buy some clothes for the trip, and WTF, is it just me or is fashion pretty terrible now, I think I shall start wearing my Quakeon 2005 and various sponsors shirts for the rest of my life now and start a trend!
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