waken annoucement.

Hello evrybody, in first nice to see xfire is back.
(before, excuse me for my poor english, don't blame me, im just french).

So what about waken. Its an old team founded by me 2 years ago with some guys like deamon ( krea ) tekoa ( :) ) hess , free ( epsylon ) and some more nice guys (and a CoD squad, one of the best of finland) ... But the fucking spirit of some players to be forced me to close this squad.
Another year after that ( 1 years ago) i wanna test again to make it, but to low, lot of whine ect...

To day its another day, and in french we say " never 2 without 3 ". I start the project to make a three times waken with DTsjee ( hello if you are reading me :> ).
Too many players whine about waken because when i started recruitement i ask " high players only ". I mean by high skill no fucking morons who want be a star... no, when im wanted high skill its an experienced players, with good speaking, and good feel in the game, nice aim. So i'll don't speak more about that i think you are already sleeping now :p.

To night we annouced the first lineup we want to see play the first match with waken tag:

Dstje (manager)
Hit ( happy birthday mate :p )
Aazy1 (clanleader (me :> <3 ))

Nice start imo, but we need 1 high skill :) rifle ( blitzz don't pm me ty )

More info ? whine ? want to encourage you to be good ? want to explain me the english language ect... come on #waken.


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